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Enabling children to become

e f f e c t i v e   l e a r n e r s

W h a t   d r i v e s   u s

190 million children are enrolled in public schools of India and lack the essential skills to learn effectively.

P i o n e e r i n g   t h e   w e l l b e i n g  
m o v e m e n t   i n   I n d i a

Labhya is a visionary nonprofit that has pioneered the well‑being movement in India. We are dedicated to institutionalizing programs that improve the quality of education and well‑being for children. We partner with governments to co‑create and ensure the effective implementation of state‑wide well‑being programs that are integrated into the school day.

O u r   i m p a c t

Currently, Labhya partners with 3 Indian state governments to co‑create well‑being programs that enable 2.4 million children to become effective learners!

2.4 million






Our partners and supporters

UN UNICEF USAID FID Mulago DRK Harvard Echidna Giving LSE Selena Gomez
UN UNICEF USAID FID Mulago DRK Harvard Echidna Giving LSE Selena Gomez

Every contribution c o u n t s

Support us in co‑creating well‑being programs for vulnerable children at scale.